The Lundbergs :)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

the week before easter

my oh my. this week was fun! i don't even know where to start. well i guess i'll start with the temple. i drive by the temple at least 3 times a week because my brother goes to school across the street. well i've wanted to go early and just walk around or sit and read my scriptures for a while. well this past tuesday, annette and i went to the temple before we picked up my brother. we walked around the grounds for a bit. this was really nice because the flowers smelled amazing and it was just peaceful. no weddings going on however. i like seeing people getting their wedding pictures done at the temple. anyways so after we walked around the grounds, we went into the visitors center. i guess we went to watch a movie, but it was going to be too long so we just walked around and started looking at the family history site. a sister came up to us and asked if we wanted to watch some short videos. so we went into a room and watched a ton of short videos they have on if you have a chance, you should go watch them, they're great! i especially liked the ones about the children. i love kids and i love my sunbeams. they are one reason i love going to church. so i'm going to make it a goal of  mine to visit the temple at least once a week. my friend does this, and she always has an amazing time. here are some pictures that i took on my phone, so they're not the best pictures in the world, but oh well.

i cant wait to walk out these doors, sealed my husband and eternal family.

i thought this was pretty.

another thing i did this week was go see the easter pageant, three times :) the first time was on tuesday with annette. i cried when mary was singing i know that my redemeer lives. that is one of my favorite songs of all time. the second time was on thursday. one of my best friends, who's not a member came with me. she actually got invitved by a couple of people in our biology class. she came up to me and told me i have to go with her. i was actually surprised she told them yes! i was so happy! we ran into some missionaries, and of course they took her information. so i dont know, something good might come of this, but most likely not. i'm just so happy she came! then the third time, was on friday. i went with my family and i invited kyles family as well. when we got there, there no seats! we had to sit in the way backkkkk. it was hard to see because there were so many people in front of us. but it was still as good as the last couple of times i had seen it. i love the easter pageant. wow, i cant believe how much i've changed in the past 4 years. in 9th grade, i would have never said this. i've changed, but in a good way. i'm thankful for this gosple and soooo grateful for Jesus Christ and what He has done for us.

on friday, was my sisters birthday. we went to the zoo! oh my goodness. it was so much fun. i love animals. when we first got there everyone was all tense and getting upset. but once we got to see the animals, we all had a great time. i got to feed a giraffe!!! that was sooo cool! its tongue was rough. but it was still cool. i also have this shirt that says if i ran the zoo, i'd let all the animals go. it had dr. suess characters on it. then we came home, went to the pageant, then came back home and shea shea opened her presents and ate cake.
it was a good week....ohhhh also, i watched conference. i cant wait till the sunday sessions! happy easter everyone!

dont i look excited??

my mom said that when i was little, she took a picture of me in this shell. i'll have to find that picture and put it on here.

this squirell came right up to me. so i fed it nuts and some pretzels. i also able to pet it. i did wash my hands afterwards :)

my nickname for me from my family is lizzard...look what i long lost cousin!

this goat was kind of mean to the other ones. =/

she was so happy...until they started taking pictures. then she got mad and put on this sour face. we all thought it was funny.